The Entomological Society of Washington has recently receive a letter from Mr. Uvarov...

May 14, 2016 10:40

Рылась в бумагах Русского энтомологического общества начала 1920х гг., чтобы найти письма Бориса Уварова, адресованные, так скажем Обществу в целом, а не лично президенту, секретарю и так далее. Таких писем не нашла, зато нашла разные последствия переписки Уварова с коллегами по всему миру. Пара примеров (на самом деле таких писем значительно больше):

Department of Zoology Smith college Northampton Massachusetts
Mr. G. Jacobson, secretary
Dear colleagues, through Mr. B. Uvarov I learned that you will receive scientific papers for the library of the Entomological Society and so I am sending under separate cover such of mine separata as are now available.
I trust that these small papers may be of some interest to the Society and in return I shall be glad to receive any on Hemiptera-Heteroptera which you are able to furnish.
I future you will receive my papers as soon as published.
Very sincerely yours,
H. M. Parshley
23 August 1921

The Entomological Society of Washington
US National Museum
Washington DC
March 9, 1922
My dear Sir
The Entomological Society of Washington has recently receive a letter from Mr. Uvarov stating that you desire to secure entomological literature
I take pleasure in informing you that the Entomological Society of Washington in reinstating your Society’s name on its mailing list and will send you all volumes issued since number 1 volume 19 at which time your name was dropped from our mailing list of exchanges. The Society will be pleased to receive in exchange any copies of your publications which you issue.
I also take pleasure in informing you that various members of our Society are collecting together reprints of several their article and these will be dispatched in the near future. […]
I thrust that they will be of service to you and I assure you that we are willing to assist you in a practical way to secure American literature on the science of entomology […]
S.A. Rover
Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer

РЭО, 1920е гг., Борис Уваров

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