Hard Battles Part 1

Jan 28, 2010 01:15

Hi there! This is my first Life on Mars fanfiction, so I'm really excited! I really hope you like it! =]

Summary: Happiness don't last, but that doesn't mean Sam can't fight for it.
Spoilers: Set after season 2's finale
Warnings: violence in later chapters

It was an incredibly hot summer’s day. The CID’s main office was nothing short of boiling, the humidity weighing down on all the officers present. Those who had wished for the sun in the winter, suddenly found themselves wishing that the sun would -

“ - bloody well disappear!”

Gene’s temper had risen, almost directly in proportion to the temperature. He stood in his office’s doorway, sweat making his shirt stick to his skin. In his hand was a large bottle of iced water.

He surveyed his detectives with irritated eyes, daring them to argue. Not a single word was said in argument. Though, Gene concluded exasperatedly, that was mainly due to Sam’s absence. His DI was currently in the collator’s den, trying and probably failing to arrange the files in an orderly manner. Gene pictured Sam sneezing in the dust, on the floor being buried by files and paperwork. The mere thought cooled him down a little.

He glanced around the room, seeing how his officers seemed to share his opinion of the intense heat. Their faces were red and sunburnt, all evidently scowling. All except for one.

Annie was as composed as usual, even as the heavy smell of man odour filled her nose. Gene stared at her, noticing the occasional smile that flitted across her face and how her eyes seemed to sparkle with never ending delight.

Phyllis stepped into the room and her sudden and immediate shriek made everyone jump, including Gene. The usually stern desk sergeant ran over to a blushing Annie before hugging her tightly, “Oh, Annie pet, I’m so happy for you! Oh, you lucky girl. I can’t believe -”

“Would you mind, Phyllis,” Gene interrupted, “telling us exactly why Annie’s a “lucky girl”?”

In response, Phyllis merely lifted Annie's hand up to show everyone the beautifully crafted ring that circled Annie's finger. Ray's cigarette fell right out of his mouth as he gaped in surprise.

"Tha..tha..that's an engagement ring," Chris stuttered, eyes round and wide, "Cartwright's gettin' married!"

Annie smiled, and turned to Gene to see her Guv's response, and almost giggled. The look on his face was priceless. "You're gettin' married," Gene echoed Chris.

"Yes, guv," Annie grinned cheekily.

"Without my permission!" Gene seemed to regain some of his bluster.

"I'm sorry guv, should have told Sam to refer to you when he proposed."

Gene's scowl widened, "Bloody Tyler. Hitching up the only bird around the station with some sense. Suppose the poof took you to a right poshy place, then got down on one knee."

Annie blushed, "Actually, he came over to my street at midnight. With a megaphone."

At this point, every one of CID's finest were listening. Gene paused and cocked his head up questioningly, "A megaphone."

Annie's blush deepened and she nodded wearily, "Stood in the street, front of my house, spoke my name into the megaphone, woke me up - along with 'alf the neighbours. Then he said that he loved me and a few other things, got down on one knee and asked." Annie smiled fondly, remembering last night. Sam had taken her out, to see a firework display. She'd had fun, a lot of fun - it was almost as thought she was a child again. Sam had walked her home, and they had shared a passionate kiss before parting in front of her house. She was preparing to go to bed when she heard Sam's voice, calling her name. Opening her bedroom window, she had been more than a little surprised to see Sam standing in the middle of the street, holding a megaphone, confessing his deep love for her. When he asked her to marry him, she had burst into tears, ran down the stairs, open her front door, only to fling herself into his waiting arms.

Phylis wasn't easily touched, but she sniffed all the same, "The Boss is such a romantic."

Gene, at the very least, looked amused, but Ray was still looking thunderstruck. Chris was just confused, "Thought you had to be subtle when proposing."

At that moment, Sam emerged through the main door, oblivious to the looks of jealousy and envy the others were shooting him. He was covered in dust, and under his arm was a large bunch of ancient files. His eyes were narrowed as he walked down the office's path to square up with his DCI.

"The collator's den is a bloody mess, guv! No organisation there whatsoever! None! Do you have any idea - AH!"

Sam's rant was cut midway as Gene very calmly upturned his ice drink over Sam's head.

"Cool down, Gladys."

Sam gasped at the sudden chill and visibly shivered as ice cold water made little streams down his back. He glared at Gene, "What. Was. That. For!"

Gene shrugged, "To shut you never closing mouth up, and partly 'cause you didn't bloody feel the need to inform me that you were going to pop the ruddy question!"

Sam glanced at Annie, and she beckoned apologetically to the ring on her hand, "They know". Sam's mouth opened and closed a few times, until he settled for sullenly muttering to Gene, "You'd have laughed at me."

"I wouldn't! I'd have given you some well needed advice, like on how to buy rings that doesn't look like it's come from underneath a pile of trash!"

"I'll have you know that the ring cost me a good fifty quid, guv!"

"Even Chris can see that the ring's rubbish!"

"Chris likes it!"

"He does not!"

"He does!"

"Does not!"


"Does not!"


The entire CID watched their superiors' exchange as though they were at a live tennis match. Chris, whose face had been growing steadily redder by the moment tried to make a run for it but was too late. Two irate voices shouted at him, causing him to stop in his tracks.


Chris was almost shaking in his shoes and the temperature seemed to have shot right up for him. He looked at the Guv's face, expectantly waiting for Chris to answer in his favour. Chris swallowed, the Guv has always been there for him, taking him in when no other DCI would have done . Chris owed his allegiance to the Guv, and he never forgot it. Then Chris looked at the Boss, who had his arms crossed, waiting for Chris to give him an honest answer. Chris winced. It was the boss who had been helping him since he arrived the year before. The boss who seemed to see something in Chris, and was willing to patiently teach and mentor Chris in every area of policing.

Chris began stammering, "Ummm....well...the ring's nice...."

"It's nice?" a menacing question from the Guv had Cris backtracking immediately.

"No, no, like, it's not nice..."

"It's not?" the boss gave Chris a disappointed frown that made Chris take back the words immediately.

"No! It's nice...but...um...well..." Chris was wondering as to whether he should pretend to pass out just to escape the piercing gazed from his guv and boss, when CID's doors burst open once again.

"Body found! Foxturn Street! In Santos Primary School!"

Chris didn't think he had ever been so happy to hear about a dead body before.


Santos Primary School was an old abandoned school on the outskirts of Manchester. Its derelict walls were crumbling and grey with dirt. Sam walked alongside with Gene as they followed a young PC down the deserted school corridor. Following them dutifully, were Ray and Chris. The PC stopped in front of a classroom's closed door.

"You're going to have to brace yourself sirs," the PC made a face, "it's a pretty horrific sight."

Gene snorted, "When I want a warning from you, I'll ask it, Brownie."

Sam smiled at the PC gently, "Thank you, Raj. We'll handle it from here." Raj nodded, smiled back uncertainly and walked away. Gene watched him go with an undisguised look of contempt on his face. He rounded on Sam straightaway, "I still can't believe you brought a bloody Paki into the station!"

Two months ago, Sam had been in charge of bringing in new PCs. One of those he elected was Raj, an immigrant from India. Needless to say, the department wasn't happy with Sam's decision - Gene had instataneously pushed him into the filing cabinet. Raj faced an enormous amount of racist slurs and cruel acts but eventually, CID got used to him. Sam thought that even Gene was impressed with how Raj handled himself with dignity, never complaining or answering back. Just took it and got on with the job.

"Raj is a good addition to the team," Sam persevered with his argument. "You just don't like him because you're bloody prejudiced. If you'd open your eyes, you'd see that he does the same amount of work as three other PCs."

Gene grunted an affirmative, putting a hand on the doorknob. "Well, ready to see the body, ladies?"

"Just get on with it," Sam replied brusquely.

Gene swung the door open, and the rank, putrid smell of decay assaulted the four mens' noses almost immediately. Gene went in first and even he flinched upon seeing the body. Sam was next and he immediately looked away. He composed himself quickly enough to cover Chris's eyes before the constable could witness the multilated dead man.

Chris was slightly puzzled as to why Sam's hand was over his eyes but not scared, "Boss? I...um...can't see."

Sam steered Chris towards the exit gently, "How about you go interview the person who found the body with Annie, yeah?"

"Alright boss."

Sam released Chris at the classroom door, who promptly made his way down the corridor, trying to get as far away as possible from the awful smell of blood. Sam turned back into the classroom, trying not to look at the dead body.

"You spoil him," Gene informed him in a grave voice. "The div has to learn sometime."

"Learn what? How not to chuck up when he sees a dead body that's been spliced in more than several places? That's not something you learn guv. It's something you get used to, and I'd rather Chris not get used to that."

Ray was kneeling next to the body, using a hand to cover his nose and mouth. He reached out a hand to tug at something behind the body.

"Ray! That's evidence! Don't go compromising it!"

Ray rolled his eyes and carried on tugging at the small whiteboard behind the man - ignoring Tyler had become second nature to him. He tried his best not to look at the burnt flesh and incarcerated skin. God knows how much agony the man must have been through. Eventually the whiteboard slipped free. Ray took a moment to scan the writing on it, and his face turned hard. He straightened up and gave the whiteboard to the Guv, avoiding Tyler's questioning glance.

Gene read the board quickly and his fingers upon the board clenched. In the end he held it up for his deputy to see. Gene noted the look of confusion and panic that passed through his DI's face as the words were read:

"I'm back, DI Williams. Xander is back."

Please comment? I'd love to know what you think!

1st lom fanfic

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