Title : A Day on Tatooine [1/3?]
Characters : Arthur+Alfred, contains Berwald/Tino+Peter later
Rating : G!
Genre : Fluff/Drama/AU
Word count : ~2900
Summary : Star Wars Original Trilogy AU! In which there is a (future) derpy young hero, a (secretly) cranky ex-Jedi and a day in their life together on a dinky moisture farm. Pilot fic for longshot
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I kinda love you right now. Like. SO MUCh.
Eeee, Little Al, so cute and so clever! ♥
The one that said Arthur was truly happy. Perhaps happy enough to give up the whole universe. Perhaps happy enough that he might have actually did.
Oh, Arthur.
Haha. Hooligan!Jedi!Arthur is the best (until you get him drunk, or supremely angry). ♥
Sometimes I wonder if I tend to write too much Arthur being all-sacrificing.....>_> Although in this verse....well, Alfred thinks he did, but SW being SW he didn't really.....
Thank you for the comment. <3 I always feel bad for not managing to always return the favor, but!
I kinda think if there was a way to raise Al without giving things up, he would have taken taken that road rather than...obscurity. I'm sure Arthur is capable of enormous self-sacrifice, but he has his moments of wistful longing.
I actually think he proposed taking Al out on a SPACE PIRATE1111!!!!1 career, but was vehemently turned down for obvious reasons. He used to be somewhat wilder, too, before Al starts to wake up to his Force powers. (See also : Hightailing it out of Mos Eisley in a hijacked speeder!) It's too bad that I can't really write that he went to do 'this' day from his perspective, it's actually pretty cool. His arrangement's a little bit more complicated than Obi-Wan's, anyway.
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