Happy Hoildays, everyone.
I was lucky enough to receive a
yuletide fic and a treat for H.G. Wells' The Time Machine. Both of them are wonderful in entirely different ways.
Time is on My Side is a clever, first person POV fic with a very neat concept/twist. (I don't want to say too much and spoil it.)
The Glowing Webs is extremely well-written; the language could've come straight from the original. The descriptions and the idea are dark and moody and intense - everything I'd hoped for from my prompt. I can't wait to thank the authors directly!
There will be a few more
yuletide recs as soon as I can pull them together. I switched laptops partway through reading and will now have to consolidate the list.
Also, I haven't been reading as much as usual because we finally caved and got a Wii for Christmas and have been playing RockBand almost constantly - until 3 a.m. last night. I spent the entire day yesterday in my pajamas and now have a blister on my thumb from playing bass. *g*
L-chan also got a Disney Sing-a-Long Wii game and is currently happily singing 'Nobody's Perfect' into the microphone. Hannah Montanna's face is now on approximately half the non-furniture items in the house. L-chan is growing out her hair to look like Hannah. One day, someone at Disney is going to flip a switch and there will be an army of little girls positioned to take over the world with sequins and lip gloss.