(no subject)

Jul 08, 2012 08:09

Yesterday was my day off. This was much happily anticipated, due to the fact that's about 4 million degrees here, and I had things that needed to be done around the house.

Yeah, that didn't happen.

Got a couple things done, but as I was sitting here, post-yard-cutting and relaxing with a cold Stella, the phone rings. it's Dave (my manager), saying that they've had to send someone home and there's no one else to call but me. They're now running a minimum crew on the busiest day of the week, and if I could come in, at least for a bit, that'd be greatly appreciated. Not gonna lie, I wanted to say no, but I'm not that big an ass. First off, lowly as it might be, i still take pride in my job and my shop, and Dave is a good guy. On top of that, since they are trying to advance me, it looks better for me to step in when needed than to not, right? I sponged off real quick, grabbed yesterday's clothes (laundry was on that list, dammit, though Jessica got that done while I was gone, yay!), and headed in.

The upshots of all this are an extra 5 hours of work and major gratitude from my boss. The downside is that it means I'll end up working 6 days straight, which isn't the end of the world, but a break would be nice. An added bonus is that, for a short period of time, I got to really practice and work on my floor control, which I don't get to do very often as there's usually someone higher up than me running the bays. My co-workers followed along without question, things got done smooth and timely, and we all looked good in the end. I like my team, we fuckin' rock.

As for the one sent home, it was due to insubordination, and I'm not surprised. he's been there even longer than Dave, and he seems to think he can get away with whatever he wants to do. Consequences for this have been a long time coming. We'll see how things go, but I wouldn't be too surprised if he doesn't last much longer, and really, I wouldn't weep much. He's good at what he does and knowledgeable, but he draws fire and makes us look bad sometimes. The rest of us are a solid team.

Well, can't stand around jaw-flappin' all day. Miss Kathryn is making pancakes and bacon.

Edit: high temp today is supposed to hit 104. Seriously, shouldn't there be a point at which we say "it's a health situation, it's too hot to work"? Ugh.


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