Ok, usually I don't pimp products here, but I gotta say something about Vytorin...

Apr 09, 2007 11:28

Last November, my Doctor suggested putting me on Vytorin to reduce my LDL (the bad cholesterol) and raise my anemic HDL (the good stuff). In spite of all my progress on the weight loss front, it seems as though high cholesterol is in my genes (my grandmother comes by it honest, so I wasn't too surprised).

I was naturally skeptical. I loathe the idea of having to take a pharm product daily. In spite of my wife's ribbing me that I'm in love with Advil*, I really don't like taking stuff unless I have to. But I also know cholesterol is a serious subject. The good news was that I was in excellent health overall, except for this. Well, I want to be around as much as I reasonably can be, so trying this just made too much sense in spite of my reluctance. I did some research and if the side effects weren't bad, this could be a good path for me.

Well, my latest numbers came in, and boy was I surprised. My total cholesterol dropped 48% to a very nice 105. My HDL was stubborn and actually dropped a few points, so that was a bummer. My triglycerides stayed pretty nice and managed to drop 19% to 75. But my LDL dropped 57% to a very nice 65! That kind of drop in 3 months is pretty darned impressive, if you ask me (and I did). The HDL is still a concern but the doctor thinks the continuing weight loss and exercise will eventually bring those up.

I haven't experienced any side effects thus far, so hopefully that is a good sign. For now I plan on keeping this regiment up, at least until my weight loss journey is complete and maybe re-evaluate it then. For now, I can't be too much more pleased with the results.

* The great news lately is that my Advil (actually Voltaren, a similar NSAID, just the 12 hour variety) use has gone down considerably. I haven't had to take a single dose in response to softball games this season (knock on wood). I haven't even had to ice down my knees following them. Now the Body Pump classes...well, that's a work in progress :)

health, life, weight loss

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