January: "First, I've updated the Homuncupunk site."February: "As I noted in an earlier post, I'm interested in trying to GM some one-shot role-playing adventures." Grr. Maybe I'll actually try that sometime. lokodraucarn and Cheesecutter at least are willing to participate if I talk to them directly, but it's so inconvenient to deal with people who have no online presence.March: "In a slightly different vein from my previous entry on the topic, here are some things about which I'm even less certain:"April: "先のなぞなぞの答えです。"May: "JPNS402はもう終わりましたが、これからも日本語が話せねば分からんポストを日本語で書いても良いでしょう。" . . . Well, that was a big fat lie, now wasn't it?June: "As of press time, I am at five consecutive posts with no comments and counting." The story of my life.July: "So the session yesterday went reasonably well, although we didn't have any female players who could stay for the entire time. . . ." Ugh, bad memories. Yet another project where I failed to drum up enough sport. A human would no doubt try making friends with people who actually have similar interests, but that just wouldn't be in character for me.August: "You are Form 9, Vampire: The Undying." Obviously, not what I said.September: "A friend of mine (hi blitzcon!) is looking for a job in the field of Electrical Engineering, so if any of you just happen to know of an opening or possibility of that nature, he'd love to know." Not one of my more original posts. (See if you can guess why.) Good thing he's in work now, at least. Now how about my applications?October: "For some reason, it didn’t occur to me until the other day that it’s called 'menos' because good souls are called 'pluses,' right?" That really doesn't work out of context. . . .November: "Well, since I can't seem to access mininova or Saiyaman at the moment, I may as well comment on what BLEACH I've been watching since I got back."December: "So, one of the comics in my latest order from amazon was tricolo." All in all, not a very exciting year, but what did you expect? On the upside, it does give me a chance to use a whole lot of tags. . . .