
Oct 30, 2009 21:05

I had a good idea for a shōrt about ladies sharing their notes in school. I wasn't at the computer, so I noted the word "Notes" in my notes.

Unfortunately, as there is neither such a note in my phone nor a good idea in my brain, it was just a dream. I have way too many ideas for someone who can't publish them, but I always appreciate more to mull over. The ones for which I've typed blurbs are only the very tip of the iceberg.

The dream was obviously brought on by reading 『★Y★R★Y★R★』 here. They finally get to the real yuri, and apparently that's not the part that sticks in my head. Bloody comedy

日本語のサブタイトル, computers, 少ツ, dreams, 百合姫コミックス

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