May 22, 2007 08:01
Not really floating but more like lost completely. I have posted several times in the past week or so and my post have vanished....grrrr. Now, this wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that the average 3-year old knows more about computers than I do...quite possibally.
ranged from rants about the government (my favorite grumble) to age discussions to the cop that took conficated pot to make pot brownies and called 911...all lost or accidently deleated...
I popped on today to see if I can actually successfully post something that made me laugh this morning...
Headline..."Two companies in legal battle over 'Jenny' number"
without even going into the article immediately I started singing '8675309'...yes, I am a child of the 80's (or more percisely I was a teenager in the early 80's) Anyone who lived in the early 80's remembers Tommy tu-tone and his one hit wonder 'Jenny'
Suddenly I'm feeling old.
It's like the other day...husband is flipping channels. He stops on "Convoy" I turned to him and said "Ever meet a duck that couldn't swim?"...He looks at me like I lost my mind. It was the very end of the movie where Kris Krostopherson as Rubber Ducky gets shot off the bridge. I made him watch the rest of the movie to see that last think the Rubber Ducky is dead but he is hiding in the van...all the truckers driving away laughing and honking their horns. I remember when that movie came out. Everyone walking around speaking trucker lingo...hehe.
Suddenly I'm feeling really old...better stop while I still have a shread of sanity left...what the f*** was in my cheerios this morning.