Mar 19, 2006 16:23
One of my guilty pleasures....movies...going to see them on big screen, watching them on DVD/TV, and I own way too many.
Why? *shrugs* depends on the mood. Most of the time it is for just plain entertainment. Two hours or so in a dark theater where brillant picture is bigger than life, sound is just get sucked into a diffrent world. I go to see things that are over budget Hollywood trash as well as independent films that only show in the small little know theaters. Love them all. Even find me at the monthly showing of films from the colonist (most of which are still works in progress).
V for Vendetta...big budget hollywood but I thought it was done well. Originally from DC Comics but with a powerful message. What constitutes the diffrence between a terrist and a freedom fighter? Big message about blindly listing to the government. Interesting that they used England and Guy Fawkes. All and all thought the acting was well done, especially the actor for V. Wears a mask the entire time but uses his voice to protray a wide range of emotion. (same actor as Agent Smith in Matrix and Elron in Lord of the Rings). Never read the graphic novel but I would like to find it. Think it would be interesting to see how the comic was protrayed to the film.
Highly suggest people see this film. I guarantee it will not win any awards but I think it is worth seeing.