Feb 17, 2006 08:52
Closet Sci/Fi nerds...we enjoy watching the shows, own a number of books that deal with 'other worlds', and our computer's name is Marvin (if you can figure that one out you are a sci/fi fan as well!).
Three day weekend, asked my hubby if we had anything planned...answer was just stick around the house. The news had a segment about the Boskone 43, which is Boston's big sci/fi convention. Jokingly I said hey we could dress up like Klingons and do the the Boskone 43. Rory looked at me like I had grown two heads and turned into an alien myself. He said "only geeks go to those things"
Now I personally think it would be fun (not dressing up like a Klingon...Wouldn't do that anyway) but to go and see what was up and alien watch. Rory was still horrified at the idea. He informed me in his "I'm Serious Voice" that we were not sci/fi geeks and only sci/fi geeks go to those things. I had to remind him that for the past week we have been watching a bookleg copy of the first series of the new Doctor Who, which I thought was brilliant. This included watching three episodes on valentines night (oooo...how romantic)
Rory is still insisting that he is not a sci/fi geek. I find this extreamly funny....granted he is now the IT Director of a fairly large corporation but when I married him he was a just a computer programmer who was not afraid to admit that we liked all that sci/fi stuff. To the horror of all my sailing friends...I married a computer geek and never looked back.
I think it is time to topple his 'holier than thou' attitude and drag is ass kicking and screaming to Boston this weekend and go to the convention. The boy needs to loosen up a bit. I think all that corporate bullshit has melted his brain...baby your tie is on too tight.
Wish me luck...Scotty beam us to the convention!