Phone Messages

Apr 14, 2010 00:00

You have seven new messages.

“Ryan, darling! How did your date with Miss Morningstar go?” -- “Oh, stop tormenting the boy!” -- “I'm doing nothing of the sort! I'm simply inquiring about his date! Now, Ryan, how was it? You are still coming to dinner Sunday, you can tell me all about it then!"

“Professor Clacher, the staff meeting has been moved from tomorrow at 12:00pm to 2:30pm. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. The Dean has to visit the divorce lawyer again“ -- gossip.

“Mother called. Something about a date? How ever did you let her fix you up!?" -- laughter -- “Don't you even attempt getting out of dinner. I want to see this interrogation for myself!“

“I really am starting to think our mother has lost it. Whatever happened to her incessant habit of telling father to keep out of his daughters' relationships?“ -- pause, sigh -- “Well it looks like you're now going to be her biggest interest. You may want to consider moving...“

“Mr. Clacher, this is Pet Haven Oasis Animal Clinic reminding you that Cupid has his annual check-up tomorrow at 8:00am.“

“Ryan, son. I am terribly sorry. I have no idea what has gotten into your mother but she insists it is all in good fun. Just this once, I give you permission to lie to her if you think it'll help!“

“Don't you dare listen to your father! It won't matter anyway as I have Miss Morningstar's number...somewhere around here...and I would adore having a chat with her if you're less than forthcoming!“


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