(no subject)

Dec 15, 2008 20:10

Fanfic ---> hmmmm, references to the Ender's Game quartet, let me see what wiki says ---> several hours later, remembering why Speaker for the Dead tore me up when I read it oh, five or six years ago.

It's not cool to cry over wiki articles, kids.

Last night, I pondered deeply what I was going to do with all this time squishing me. Read tons of fic? Done that. Go spend time with friends? Unfortunately, a difficult proposition during the work week and when many of them are still away at school. Also, one in the morning isn't conducive to spontaneous get-togethers (unless said spontaneity has already occurred, and witnessed the passing of one in the morning). So I decided to reorganize my room. I was up until about 5 in the morning, with the detritus of my pack-rattishness strewn around me. Luckily, the beast was subdued.

Saturday night was filled with awesomeness, though. I love my friends so much.
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