Supernatural and Other Random Junk

Dec 04, 2008 21:05

I'm watching Supernatural, the one with the raising of the witnesses and the awesome exposition, and I'm wondering, am I supposed to be moved by the deaths of these annoying-ass people? Because I really wasn't. I spent the episode wondering if they could die a little damn faster. Pretty sure it's because I don't watch this show at all. And Dean, while I like him in an amorphous main-character way, the only time I was really interested in him was during his line about kicking Castiel's ass if he mentioned God's mysterious ways. The rest of the time I was wondering if he ever learned not to get mired in selp-pity and regret, *ever*. I was still vaguely entertained by the episode. I might watch more. It's so much more appealing in fandom though.

While I'm talking about TV, I'm psyched about Lawrence Fishburne joining the cast of CSI, although I will always love Gil Grissom. And is that Elizabeth Weir's actress in Eleventh Hour? My night has been *made*.

And the thought that has been with me all day? I don't think I will ever stopped being amazed by how awesome my comp sci professors are.
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