Dear Yuletide writer.
Welcome! I’m delighted to be doing yuletide once again this year, and I do hope you have a really fun time too.
I’ll do a general bit on my likes and DNW, and then go a little more in depth on the fandoms I requested. Feel free to ignore that! I’m sure I’ll be delighted with whatever you write, and yuletide is all about having fun. In other words, please do treat all this optional detail as entirely optional, and write what you want :)
General Likes
For yuletide I really like positive/happy endings.
I love worldbuilding, all the fandoms I’ve picked this year have rich worlds and I always love reading headcanons and the details around the edges of the story writers pick up and examine more closely. Linked to this, close canon AUs are a love of mine, I delight in stories that start from the ‘what if this one thing changed’ premise.
I also love the missing scene and slice of life moments, things that happened around the stories or in the middle of them.
Competence and women being awesome is fantastic.
Crack treated seriously is also great.
For all prompts gen, het, slash or femslash is equally great.
Do not want
Please no infidelity, non-con, dub-con, death of major (requested) characters or particularly darkfic (darker than cannon).
Lark, Rosethorn
In the Emelan books I love the characters and world building, but especially enjoy the relationships. I'd love to read a slice-of-life, backstory or fill in the gaps which focuses on Lark and Rosethorn interacting. What were they thinking the first year with the circle at Discipline? Or how did the two of them settling into Discipline go? What about their reactions to the circle's antics? Or a bit about their own lives and quiet domestic moments.
I’ve loved these books for years. Feel free on this one to ignore my suggestions entirely - I’ll love pretty much anything set in this world! I love the world as well as the characters (no thanks to modern AUs in this one). How they perform daily tasks in world with magic but not advanced technology always fascinates me, so anything about that is great too.
Haul in any other characters you want to, and any pairings (or none) are great. My one exception to this is please don’t pair Tris and Niko, even as background.
Rivers of London
Sahra Guleed
Sahra Guleed is awesome and amazing and I’m delighted she’s showing up more in the comics. I’d love pretty much anything about her, especially her doing her job. Routine days, interacting with bosses, interacting with the public, bizarre days, dealing with magic - it’s all great!
I really like the premise in these books, but even more I like their approach - sarcastic, very aware of issues like racism and sexism, whilst still having fun (magic is also always cool!). I’m up to date with all cannon, including the comics and will have read the Hanging Tree by Christmas, so feel free to pay attention to as much or as little of cannon as you choose.
I have no particular ships in this fandom, and really love the women characters.
Lymond Chronicles
Philippa Somerville
Philippa is an awesome girl who grows into an amazing strong woman. I love to read about her saving the day, problem solving and letting her curiosity get her into sticky situations and her ingenuity get her out of them again. Any time period is great. Philippa as a young girl getting into mischief, or older, having adventures when traveling. Post-cannon would also be great - what does she do next?
I do ship Philippa/Lymond but am happy to see her paired with other characters should you wish, just please no character bashing of either of them.
I love the flamboyance of the novels, so crack is great! I do love the time period, so am less keen on modern settings.