(no subject)

Nov 03, 2004 15:26

well fucking well.
george w. bush won another 4 fucking uyears in office.
now you know how i feel about politics and my beliefs.
of course i dont believe in presidents.
but im not saying if iw asm 18 i would have voted for kerry because hes a douche bag too.
im actually quite thrilled that george bush won.
number 1/ i can not wait to see how many more innocent lives he fuckin takes.
number2/ i have four more years to write hate songs about the dirty bastard.
to be honest. i really did care about my country.
but i did. and i dont anymore. and i never will.
its just like the NBA. as soon as Michael Jordan tried to make a come back and sucked fuckin ass. i quit watching sports.
ive seen the light and ive heard alot of people i know say they wanna move outta the country.
well ive been sayin that since 9th grade.
if nobody is gonna take a stand and kill george fuckin bush.
then i guess its gonna have to be me.
strap a bomb to my chest and take me to the white house on your way outta this place.
just like my dad.
he doesnt fucking get it.
just like every fuckin person who voted for the asshole.
they dont fucking get it.
he fucking attacked a country that didnt do a damn thing to any of us.
if you do not know what im talking about then go read a fucking book and do a whack attack on your small fuckin dicks.
i think this country is full of shit.
they say they are free.
but the only thing that is free, is that we get to dress the way we want and fucking pick our own careers/ BUT you can also do that in alot of other countries. which by the way are more free than we are now today.
now i do not wanna hear one fucking person bitch about this entry unless you want me to fucking beat your fuckin head in because i am one pissed off motherfucker that all you people biktch and bitch and bitch and ive fucking been saying all this same shit since day fucking one.
peace the fuck out you dirty whore.

Archie "the fucking" Suicide
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