Apparently we're supposed to ramble on and on about ourselves now...

Feb 20, 2004 18:41

1. name: Archie Kenendy
2. nicknames: None that I ever want to hear again.
3. sex: Male.
4. birthday: September 27, 1775
5. age: 21
6. star sign: Sign?
7. place of birth: Just outside London, England
8. current residence: Bottom of the bloody ocean.
10. eye color: Blue.
11. height: Eh... roughly five foot ten? I'm not sure.
12. writing hand: Right

13. do you bite your nails: Have you ever seen how dirty a seaman's hands get? No.
14. can you roll your tongue: yes
15. can you do a cartwheel: do what with it?
16. can you raise one eyebrow at a time: yes
17. can you blow smoke rings: yes
18. can you blow spit bubbles: No. And why would I want to?
19. can you cross your eyes: yes
20. colored hair: No, I leave it the color it naturally is - blonde.
21. tattoos and where: No.
22. piercings and where: Again, no.
23. do you make your bed daily: Before I died? Yes, of course, must keep things ship-shape.
24. do you sleep naked: God no. On a ship? Do you have any idea how little privacy there is on a ship?
25. which shoe goes on first: the one nearest my hand.
26. fave type of shoes: Ones without holes.
27. where do you keep your clothes: In my seachest. Where else?
28. speaking of shoes, have you thrown one at someone?: Yes. And he deserved it.
29. what jewelry do you wear 24/7: None.
30. how much money is usually in your wallet: If I have two pounds at any given time, I'm extremely pleased.
31. you got a job: Lieutenant in the navy.
32. Democrat/Republican: Republican? How dare you accuse me of that!

33. Are you taken by someone: Have I been? Yes. And not always by choice. If you're asking if I'm spoken for... there are certain things any good officer learns not to talk about.
34. Who: I could get him hanged. Leave it be.
35. Why do you like them: [sigh], this topic isn't going away, is it? He's strong and brave and kind and... well, very good looking. And he doesn't seem to mind that I'm... well... me.
36. When is the date you two began going out: Uh... we've been serving together since 1793... is that what you want?
37. are you willing to try the other side: Other side? You mean the French? I am a loyal Englishman, sir!

38. do you twirl your spagetti or cut it: twirl
39. how many cereals are in your cabinet: Cereal? Cabinet? I don't have a cabinet. I have a seachest. And why anyone would put oatmeal in a seachest is quiet beyond me, I assure you.
40. what utensils do you use eating pizza: Pizza?

41. how often do you brush your teeth: Let's just say that hygeine on a ship is very hard to come by.
42. how often do you shower/bathe: When ever we're somewhere I can dive over the side for a while. Horatio has taken to showering naked on the deck with the hose. I'm not so brave.
43. how long do these showers last?: Horatio's? About five minutes or until Captain Sawyer catches him and arrests us all.
44. hair drying method: Method? I didn't realize waiting for your hair to dry required a method.
45. do you curse: Find me a sailor who doesn't.
46. do you mumble to yourself: To myself? Not often. What fun is that? If I'm going to make a wise remark, I'd rather my intended target heard it.

47. in the cd player: CD player?
48. person you talk most on the phone with: phone? Oh dear, I think I've severely lost the thread of this conversation.

49. what color is your bedroom: Wood.
51. name one thing or person you're obsessed with?: Again with that getting people hanged thing...
52. have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex: Yes. I had a very misspent youth, or so I've been told.
53. ever sunbathed in the nude: comes after the skinny dipping, doesn't it? Or else you'd get your clothes all wet.
54. window seat or aisle: Window, seat, or you'll what?
55. whats your sleeping position: Well, in the cots we have, you're pretty restricted to your side or back.
56. in hot weather do you use a blanket: Fortunately, it stays pretty cool at sea, but if it does get too warm, wouldn't it be quite silly to put a blanket on?
57. do you snore: I've never been told that I do.
58. do you sleepwalk: It'd be a very short walk... from your hammock to the floor.
59. do you talk in your sleep: I don't... talk per se... On a bad night I tend to scream...and have fits
60. how about the light on: When I have my own quarters? No.
61. do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on: The whats?
62. had sex: Yes
63. kissed someone: Yes
64. watched bambi: What are bambi?
65. cried: Yes
66. talked on the phone: there's that word again...
67. read a book: Yes
68. punched someone: Yes

69. where do you see yourself ten years from now: Still at the bottom of the ocean, I suppose.
70. who are you gonna be married to and where: Oh no one, I'm sure.
71. How many babies do you want to have: I can't see myself as a father. Or a husband which is a prerequisite (well, okay, not technically, but...)
72. your profession: Fish food, I suppose.
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