Feb 15, 2008 11:40

Dear all prospective campus shooters, disgruntled employees, and other violent dateless wonders,

You know how all of you seem to turn the gun on yourself at the end of your little shooting sprees?

Here is an idea. One that I think we can all agree on. Before you walk into your former place of employment, or your ex girlfriend's house, or more accurately, to the house/apartment of the girl who shunned your advances because you were a big, creepy, scary weirdo, or to the school in which you once attended and start shooting everyone, why don't you take the big, manly gun that we all know is to overcompensate for the rather modest one nature supplied you with downstairs, turn that sumbitch around, and shoot yourself in the head FIRST.

Better yet, sit yourself down in a nice, comfortable chair, or tree stump out in the woods, and hold the firearm, regular or that fancy sideways gangsta style that was all the rage a few years back, place it right over your kneecap, and pull the trigger.

Ouch! You feel that? Thats called pain. Real world pain. Not the wimpy little shit you feel deep down inside because nobody wants to pull on your pecker or thinks you are as great as you think you are or as much as your mommy once told you you were. Not all the self pitying woe is me stuff you run through your head in a constant loop because you have nothing else better to do but play videogames and jerk off and sit around and think about how the world isnt bending over and giving itself to you just havent figured that out yet but, it just SHOULD even if you havent even tried to do anythig, dammit.

Feel that pain? Good. Because that is what you are visiting on a whole bunch of other people for no good reason whatsoever. You arent collecting souls for the afterlife or making some big statement about society or how lost the little guy is in this post industrial 21st century virtual global village or getting back at every girl who wouldnt go out with you or every guy who pushed you around or every professor who didnt give you a better grade because you felt like you deserved better or at the world that never gave you a chance.

Maybe if you feel that pain, that REAL pain, you will see what a douchebag you are being, and maybe will actually try to do something other than whine and waste your time and actually do something, or allow yourself to maybe find a way to be happy that doesnt involve hurting someone else.

You aren't some badass motherfucker who people will look back at with reverential awe. You are just a spoiled, self absorbed little shit. The legacy you will leave is not even what you feel like it will be. It will just shine a much brighter light into the sad, pathetic, and downright weak little existance you eeked out for yourself. Even the mildest public scrutiny will show that instead of being some new aged warrior you were a sad sack of shit who just wasn't strong enough to make it through everyday life without giving up. What you are doing is just a big spoiled kid temper tantrum. But instead of breaking your own toys, you are ruining the lives of people who you never met and who don't deserve your wrath.

Yes, 20/20 will run a special about you, and maybe someone will remember your name for a few days, and a bunch of specialists will say how you couldnt take the pressure and your piss poor writings will make it around the internet, but after that...nothing. You aren't Travis Bickle. You aren't even Squeaky Fromme. You are shitbird with a gun 247. Its getting a little played out, too.

So if you feel the insane notion to hurt a bunch of people to get back at the world, when we all know you are really just mad at yourself for looking at yourself the way you think the world is looking at you, please, try and get some help. If that doesnt work? Just shoot yourself in the face first, instead of after you have shot half a dozen people, ok?

I mean, you don't want your good friend Marilyn Manson or the manufacturers of your favorite shoot em up videogame to go through any more undue stress, do you? No. You don't want that.
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