Jun 07, 2012 19:32
And oh yeah, have another what-I've-been-doing post:
Gaming: I don't think I mentioned it, but I did actually finish Hakuouki in its entirety. Got all the CG's and all that. I know I didn't get all the possible bad endings, because hardly anyone knows exactly how many there are. Most people just talk about the ones that give CG's, but there is one (that doesn't give a CG) that is surprisingly hardcore. In one particular bad ending, the heroine can end up kidnapped by the villain (who is also one of her potential love interests) and spend the rest of her life being raped and tortured. It left a lot of people with a "WTF?" reaction. It's kind of hard to get (someone on the Gamefaqs forums discovered it and shared with the rest of us how to obtain it) just because you don't know to try. Once you know how, it's pretty simple. But still... WTF? Of course, the "villain" Chikage is probably the character that changes the most depending on which route you're on. He's totally evil in Saito and Harada's routes, a much more noble villain in Hijikata's, a jerk with a heart of gold type in Heisuke's and a total sweetheart in his own. I liked him best in Heisuke's route, since his snarkiness shows through best there but he turns out to be a decent guy. Actually, taking that route alone, he would be my favorite character. But, you know, since the whole rape ending exists, it's hard to pick him as a fave. :/
Anime: Finished Golion. Ended up liking it a lot more than I ever thought I would. I got so into the story that I actually tried watching those Voltron episodes that came later. I gave up after two episodes of Princess Fala being a total wuss who passes out every few seconds. Also finished 11eyes (OMG so good) and tried to start Scrapped Princess but I got too busy with packing and such. Will try when I get back. Also been watching Sekai ichi Hatsukoi. Really cute.
Comics: Been reading a lot of comics on the Comixology app and have taken a liking to Legion Lost. I tried it because it ties into the Superboy/Teen Titans storyline ("The Culling") but I think I might like it better than the other two titles. Also loving the Alpha Gods series. Such lovely art.