(no subject)

Mar 03, 2012 16:16

What I've been up to:

Gaming: I downloaded the Sazh DLC for FFXIII-2 and it's fun so far but I'm not sure I can finish it it as I have a low tolerance for mini-games. I had hoped that you could at least play a small segment where you control him in some battles but... eh. Still nice to see him again. I'm amused that he can use the fragment skills (like the improved jump).

I finished Saito's route in Hakuouki (including getting his bad ending so I could get all the CG's). Halfway through Heisuke's route because he gets super freaking adorable after they all get their new looks (actually, they all get 100% hotter). Probably doing Sano next because this is one of the rare cases where I'm not happy with a fictional portrayal of Okita Souji. He just seems too distant and unfeeling, but I guess it's different in his own route. Speaking of Souji, anyone who knows anything about the real Shinsengumi will no doubt find it heartbreaking whenever Souji starts coughing. Because we know. We know what's wrong with him. It's just... really freaking sad because I can't help thinking about the real Souji.

Also started Magna Carta 2. I couldn't stand the visuals at first, as most of the characters have faces that are way too small for their bodies and incredibly awkward running/walking animations but the outfits are nicely designed. Battle system is okay and the story is kinda meh but I've heard it picks up a lot later on. It's super easy so far though, which I like.

Anime: I'm rewatching Yu Yu Hakusho now. It was one of my favorite series but it's been years since I watched any of it. I've forgotten so much of what happens so it's sort of like watching it for the first time but with the added benefit of already liking the characters. Still keeping up with Persona 4 but falling behind on Guilty Crown. For some reason I just can't get excited about watching it these days. :/

Comics: I know I'll probably regret this, but I've decided to give Red Hood and the Outlaws a chance. I swore off it after the big uproar over the first issue, but the covers have all looked pretty awesome since then and I usually like Scott Lobdell's writing so... yeah. Someone on Tumbler said that Starfire has more personality in subsequent issues and is a bit less of a fantasy sex doll. I added a couple of recent issues to my pull list so I guess I'll see. If it's still incredibly offensive, I'll drop it. Really hope I'm pleasantly surprised by it though.
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