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Feb 28, 2012 16:46

Finished FFXIII-2!

Well, it WAS a bad ending. Not quite as ridiculous and horrible as the jackass on Amazon made it out to be though. In fact, as far as bad endings go, it was executed pretty well. I wish I hadn't known what to expect, because I think that moment when the sky started turning black would have been much more powerful otherwise. It was truly an "Oh shit!" moment. I still kinda was, cause all I knew specifically was that Serah died and the ending was bad. I didn't know if anything besides the death made it bad, so yeah. Everything basically going to hell? Still a surprise.

And okay, I warmed up to Caius a bit. Still don't love him, but there's something to be said for the only FF villain I know of to actually come out on top in the end while the heroes are dead or dying and totally screwed. Kind of like if FFVI had ended when the World of Balance became the World of Ruin.

The Paradox endings seem to soothe some of the sting though. I've watched a few of them and they seem a little less apocalyptic. Need to watch the rest of them but Youtube is being wonky for me.

I know this game was practically just a setup for FFXIII-3, but I enjoyed it a lot and would love to play another. I just want more Sazh (I know you can get some scenes with him in DLC but I want more of him in the main story) and to see Fang and Vanille awakened for real. Oh, and possibly Hope hooking up with Lightning. And Noel with Serah. And just more of Noel in general.

I might poke around more with some of the optional stuff, but probably not. XD I'm just not into sidequests.
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