(no subject)

Sep 30, 2011 02:35

Was just about to make a post along the lines of "Sorry I haven't been on LJ much lately. I'm still alive and hang out more on [insert other website here], but I'll still visit LJ occasionally!"

Then I realized that my friends page is full of similar entries from other people. Not to mention my friends page has barely moved in three days. Guys... it used to take me hours to read through my friends page if I didn't check it for three days.

I know everyone has their own reasons for not hanging out at LJ as much anymore (disappointed with LJ's service lately, other sites are more fun/interesting, etc.). I have my own (Tumblr is, frankly, a lot more fun and user-friendly than LJ), but it still makes me sad to see LJ dwindle down like this. It's been a big part of my online life since 2001 (often the biggest). and it's where I met a lot of great people.

I really hope LJ picks back up, and a lot of people start back using it more regularly. Personally, I'm gonna try to update more often and get back involved in some communities or something.
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