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Oct 07, 2008 16:22

OMG OMG. I've had the K-horror movie Voice laying around for weeks and just stuck in my big pile of K-horror movies that I'm working my way through. Today I started watching it and thought "Wow, this reminds me of the Whispering Corridors series." So I looked it up, because I knew I was missing the last two in the series and OMG Voice is the fourth one! I'm just so ecstatic, because the Whispering Corridors series is one of my favorites of all time and I just adore it to no end. Now all I need is Memento Mori, which I'm giving up on Netflix or Blockbuster getting and going straight to ebay.

Now to go enjoy Voice.

And guys, you should totally try the Whispering Corridors series (Whispering Corridors, Wishing Stairs, Memento Mori, and Voice). They're so beautiful.
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