(no subject)

Sep 25, 2008 00:34

I don't know if I can watch Project Runway anymore. Tonight's episode proves that the judges' scores are meaningless and the producers pick who gets eliminated.

I swear, Kinley has to be buddies with one of the producers (or a producer's family member). This is the second time she should have gone home. No question. Her freaky Mickey Mouse outfit was hideous and everyone knew it. Granted, Blayne's outfit was even worse, but I think Terri's wasn't that bad. Then tonight she sends the most ridiculous looking outfit down the runway and doesn't get sent home. I predict she'll win, because if they can keep her after the disaster she made in tonight's episode, then she can do no wrong in their eyes. Hell, she didn't even have to make excuses this time. The judges did it for her (going on about how it's not her fault the outfit sucked, she was just scared because she wasn't familiar with hiphop. Please.).

The sad part is that I actually liked her in the beginning, but her arrogance and bad attitude and constant giggling while other contestants are being criticized by the judges makes me want to punch her in the face. And she's a total one-trick pony. All she can make is 40's-style print dresses. That's IT. It's pretty absurd that we're this late in the season and this is the first time she's made pants. And she did them poorly. She said her line is "dresses". Maybe someone should tell her that fashion designers need to have a range. If she wins this season with twelve retro print dresses, I will seriously stop watching this show. It's lost most of its integrity with tonight's episode alone.
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