hi, even if you decide not to friend me i just wanted to say that i love the duplicated picture you use as the background here. really, really cool. devi xx
Hi! I don't mean to come off as stalkerish, but I read your post about applying to She'arim, and I'm wondering how that turned out. Heck, maybe I'll even see you there! =)
I am still planning on going... well eventually. I was supposed to be there now but I wound up with a bad case of tonsilits that required me staying in the states and getting surgery.
I'm going for the winter & spring zmanim (early Jan - late Jun). Depending on whether I get into grad school or not, I might stay longer than that, but then again, I'd like to come back to the states earlier to start shidduch dating. Can you add me?
Hey, I just joined weirdjews2 and wondered if I could get posting access. I am not Jewish, but I am in seminary and am interested in doing a project on Jewish mysticism for my Hebrew Bible class. I am woefully uninformed and needed advice on where to go. Can I ask in your community? I am looking to do midrash of Qeholeth, particularly the mystical reading of it.
Comments 34
It just says friends only =p
even if you decide not to friend me i just wanted to say that i love the duplicated picture you use as the background here.
really, really cool.
devi xx
If you would like, I'd certainly add you. =)
I love the "why yes..." icon you posted on Jewish LJ Icons this past spring. How can I get a copy?
I am still planning on going... well eventually. I was supposed to be there now but I wound up with a bad case of tonsilits that required me staying in the states and getting surgery.
When are you planning on going? =)
Can you add me?
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