Cupcakes! The batch I'll be making for Sakura Matsuri will be a lot nicer-looking though; these were kind of done quickly late last night, and the frosting melted a little because I left them in the living room XD
Contingency Plans for !RAIN at the Sakura Matsuri meet
So just in case we get rained out, I was trying to think of a few alternate plans that would still be fun for those who traveled from far away to come join us. Cross your fingers, hopefully none of these will have to be implemented at all! I'm expecting a rather large group of lolitas and guests to show up, so it will be hard to move us all around too much. Even if it does rain, hopefully it will be light and we can hang around someplace before heading back into the gardens.
I called the BBG, and I asked the operator what they were going to do in case of rain. She said there would be some sort of giant tent that everyone could fit under. I don't think this is going to be of much use to us if it rains heavily, but I will be there early on Saturday to check it out just in case.
1. Brooklyn Museum
The museum is literally located next to the gardens. They have some cool exhibits going on, and the entrance fee is by donation. Also, they are open until 9 pm on the first Saturday of each month. The only thing is, they don't allow outside food of any kind. Meaning that in order to get in, we'd have to hide any goodies we bring, and we can't eat them inside. I called them, and there's no loophole to the rule.
2. Place to eat There's a bunch of restaurants near the BBG. Some of them are pricy, but a lot of them are also fairly inexpensive (entree=$10). It depends on how big of a group we are.
We'll be playing it by ear, really. If we find that we're completely rained out, we can always hop on the subway and go elsewhere. We could go shopping to the Elizabeth Center in Chinatown, or the Manhattan Mall + 34th St. for more mainstream stuff. If no digs the Brooklyn Museum we could also head over to the Met, which is open until 9 pm.
GO AWAY RAIN. I'm hoping the forecast is just being unreliable, because yesterday it said that Friday and Sunday would be rainy too, and now they are all clear...