Speedy stalked into his room, closing the door as hard as he could. Which, seeing as it slid open on it's own, wasn't very much.
How DARE he? How DARE Robin bring up his past like that? How did he even KNOW? And how DARE he? He'd been teasing, might've been a little outta line, but for him to respond with THATHe growled and hit the wall
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She'd not understood just why Speedy had been so upset by it, assuming it had been some bad joke on somebodies part to make a cover like that.
Chewing her lip she knocked on Speedys door.
"Roy? It's me... Raven. I followed to see if you were okay. Not really supposed to be here without Samus, but I was worried."
"It really you?" He called back in a harsh tone. "Or is it the you that'll either try and kill me or try and force herself on me?"
He was being unfair and he knew it. But he wasn't thinking.
"Fair enough, I guess." She hid the hurt from her voice. "It's just me, no personalities, no agressiveness, just...me. The girl you..date."
"Sorry," he muttered, leaning against the frame. "I...yeah, I'm sorry. Seeing that thing really shook me up, is all."
She thought a moment. "or is there something more to it."
"Eh, you know how we all have...stuff in our past?" he said awkwardly. "That...that thing, it wasn't a joke." He looked at his feet, at the wall, anywhere but at Raven. He didn't want to see her face, the look in her eyes.
"Like you said, we all have our pasts. If anything it makes me angrier at Robin for doing what he did." She stepped forward a bit, towards him holding her one hand out awkwardly.
"It's behind you now, right? Whatever drove you to do it, whatever happened, it's all behind you now..right?"
"Yeah," he said. "I got over it with someone's help and...well, I won't say that...the thing that drove me to it, I don't pretend thinking about it doesn't hurt, hell, thinking about the whole THING gets painful. But it's over."
She stepped closer offering him a hug, pulling her hand away from his to wrap her arm around his shoulder. "I missed you."
"Missed you too," he muttered.
"I'm sorry for my idiotic email. I... I had a moment of panic."
She put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm not the easiest person to talk to Roy, I know it, you know it, the universe knows it. But I'm here, and if you'd like me to go punch Robin for you I can."
She gave a faint smile.
"I wish I had more time, wish we had more time to talk but I should go." She hung her head a bit. "She hates you, and I'm afraid of her hurting you."
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