
Dec 13, 2016 23:25

the 3-sentence fic-a-thon is still going on. for how much longer, i don't know.

i got to see NCIS: NOLA "live" tonight because my brother's agents of s.h.e.i.l.d wasn't on. (squee!)

i knew that kid wasn't lasalle's! the idiot should've gotten a test.
gregorio being bi (or a lesbian who was once married to a man) was a surprise.
i don't think Lund is going to make it as an agent. if they (TPTB) want gregorio is going to stick around he has to fail.
i saw a video that zoe mclellan posted on her twitter (i think) that said the reason she's out of the show is because her "character ran her course": which is what i thought it was.

still don't like the new woman.
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odds & ends, ncis: nola

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