the last of the trek meme

Jan 29, 2016 23:29

aren't you glad? stuff explained at this post.

January 27: What Episode/Film Gave You Nightmares/Scared You? Why?
TNG's Genesis is freaky. why was it necessary for barclay to become spider-like? and a warning: if you look up the episode at memory alpha, there's a picture of him doing that as the main picture.

January 28: Favorite Bridge or Command Center
i don't think i have one. ENT's is kind of nice.

January 29: Favorite Quote/Line
so many but i like reed's lie of: "I've invested FAR too much time trying to figure you out, Mr. Tucker... I'm not about to accept that it was all for nothing." in the episode shuttle pod one.

January 30: One Episode/Movie You Would Watch With a Non-trekkie to Show Them the Awesomeness of Star Trek
most point to the fourth movie, and i agree.

January 31: Which Character do you Relate to the Most? Why?
i don't really relate to anyone in these things.

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tv meme, trek meme, movie meme

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