steven weber voice a character on the batman animated series that was similar to who he plays on NCIS: NOLA, hamilition, and some what similar to the character he played on star trek: deep space nine.
we are done with batman: TAS now. except for some animated movies, which i think we've seen already.
for some reason my brother & i have been on an ice cream kick, mostly been and jerry's & some hagaan dazs. i my gain back most, if not all of the weight i lost because of the gallbladder thing.
ben and jerry's
peanut buttah core--very good.
spectacular speculoos cookie core--(brother & i split this) not bad, but not good either.
peanut butter fudge core--not too bad. the chocolate on the mini PB cups seems kind of cheap
blondie ambition--pretty good
peanut butter cup--not too bad. the chocolate on the mini PB cups seems kind of cheap
phish food--not bad, but not good either. the fudge fish pieces seemed like cheap chocolate.
pumpkin cheesecake--(brother & i split this) not very good, but less pie spice then i thought there would be.
red velvet--(brother & i split this) not very good. you mostly tasted the icing & very little of the red velvet pieces.
s'mores--not very good. you only tasted the gram cracker part if you just to a bit on those places & i have to remember that B & J's chocolate ice cream is pretty dark. it's o.k. if it's a mix with vanilla.
hagaan dazs
chocolate peanut butter--not bad. the PB glumped onto a big piece at the bottom though.
white chocolate raspberry truffle--not as good as i hoped. the truffles were not that great.
tres leches brigadeiro--(brother & i split this) not bad, not good either.