The Monuments Men by Robert M. Edsel w/ Bret Witter

Oct 13, 2015 22:45

its the book the movie was based on. i really wanted to see the move, but couldn't get past my dislike of movies with george clooney and/or matt damon.
a note about the movie: among those leaked e-mails from sony studios was one from clooney (who directed as well as acted) apologizing for the movie not doing very well. my brother saw it on one of those "entertainment news" shows where they tried to make it seem like it was a bad thing, but my brother said: "if anything, it makes him seem like an even nicer guy than you hear about. that whole "gentleman george" thing,"

the book was interesting, if long & is one of those forgotten stories of world war 2 that more people should know about it. to that end, they have an official site about the real men (& women) behind the story. and there's a monuments men foundation to help preserve art that is in danger from armed conflicts today. they are also looking for info on missing cultural objects from WW2 & other wars.

i've read several books about little known or forgotten people & stories of WW2 & am convinced that if a movie studio just did movies about them, they could put out movies for at least a decade.

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