ladies deodorant gets fancy with scents

Jul 14, 2015 17:24

i use unscented deodorant mainly because my brother (who i spend a lot of time around) objects to the "powder" scent i used to use. so i've been tiring to find one that he can put up with. secret has this new thing called scent expressions, so i encouraged him to sniff them to see if there are any he can put up with.

coca butter kiss--we suppose it's meant to smell like coca butter lotion, but doesn't really. it smell vaguely like lotion though.
ooh la-la lavender--they didn't have this at target or wal-mart, but we suspect that neither one would like it.
pasion de tango--they didn't have this at target or wal-mart
so very summerberry--smelled like someone sprayed deodorant on fake berries.
va va vanilla--my brother said it smelled like cake icing. i have no problem with that, but he said would probably make me & him hungry for cake.
coconut splash--the one at target kind of smelled like the coconut shampoo we use but the one at wal-mart didn't smell much like coconut. there's probably batch variants, or something.

i ended up not getting anything. so will probably stick to the unscented for now.

sniff test

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