big movie meme 1-10

Nov 20, 2011 21:14

found via
jargonelle (there’s a song one too!), but seen all over. there's no way i'd remember to do this daily, so i've broken it down into parts. the rest can be found under the meme thing tag

Day 01 - The best movie you saw during the last year
i haven seen many movies lately, but i’d say harry potter 7 pt 1.

Day 02 - The most underrated movie
probably ladyhawk.

Day 03 - A movie that makes you really happy
i don’t think any do. there are ones that i like to see over & over again; the original star wars trilogy, ghostbusters, most of the star trek movies & most of the bond ones.

Day 04 - A movie that makes you sad
i don’t think any do for this either. i’ve teared up a few times though.

Day 05 - Favorite love story in a movie
han & leia in the original star wars trilogy. in the middle of a sci-fi epic, there’s a love story. i love that.

Day 06 - Favorite made for TV movie
hhhhmmm.... i’d say the north & the south. yes, it’s a soap opera, but i like that period in history. the sequels suck, the third especially

Day 07 - The most surprising plot twist or ending
vader is luke’s dad. i mean, who saw that coming?

Day 08 - A movie that you’ve seen countless times
see #3’s answer

Day 09 - A movie with the best soundtrack
american graffiti

Day 10 - Favorite classic movie
i like a few; gone with the wind, arsenic & old lace and the bishop's wife.

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star trek, movies, star wars, harry potter, movie meme

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