post about me & my blog for LJ's 25 anniversary

Apr 15, 2024 20:53

there is no chance i will win any of the prizes, but it might be interesting. #LJ25

1. LJ appeared in April 1999, the year when I… was looking forward to all of the year 2000 celebrations.
2. As a child, I wanted to become a… librarian, because i liked to read.
3. My favorite school subject was… the joke answer is lunch, but it kind of was. the food wasn't good, but it's the only time you're not getting graded.
4. The tune of my carefree youth is... basically the soundtrack of my youth is the american graffiti movie soundtrack.
5. A book (or an author) that influenced me; elizabeth peters, specifically the amelia peabody series. i was already into archeology because of the 3 indiana jones movies (there were only 3), but these books helped cement my interest in it.
6. A city (or cities) I truly love; rome, italy. despite my interest in ancient egypt & greece, in my heart i'm an ancient rome fan.
7. I started an LJ blog in … because I wanted... i started this in 2009 because some people left the stargate: sg-1 part of forums because of anti- fanfic people & i wanted to see what they were doing.
8. The catch phrase that nearest and dearest recognize me by… just because you can, doesn't mean that you should.
9. A movie I’m never tired to watch again; many, but because jurassic park was on this weekend i'll say that.
10. When I was 25, I liked to… do pretty much what i like now; reading, watching tv & movies, eating baked goods. BTW are there any people on LJ younger than 25 these days?
11. I can’t live a day without… water is the serious answer, carbs is the not so serious answer.
12. An LJ post I’d like to recommend to everyone… i never came across a really good one.
13. I’m proud of… not much, sadly.
14. If I could give advice to myself from 1999, I’d… say hang in there.
15. My favorite LJ blog(s); i never had a favorite.
16. My favorite LJ community (-ies); i miss sg1_five_things, ditl (day in the life) & even action_tales (people using action figures a very small props to tell a story).
17. A dish (or a food product) I learned to like only as an adult; i don't think there is one.
18. Within these 25 years I’ve visited… los angeles & atlanta. other places were just an airport layover.
19. My favorite cure for sadness is… if you have one, let me know.
20. If I didn’t have to work, I’d do… a little as possible, mostly reading & travel though.
21. My superpower is… i have none.
22. A useful skill I’d like to teach younger generations is… reading comprehension. and that's not limited to the younger people.
23. If I could spend a day as an animal, that would be… house cat.
24. The way I’d like to grow old is… just to do it.
25. I’m grateful to LJ for… existing.


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