
Dec 03, 2021 00:26

found via amethyst_witch who got it from lijahlover

If I could be a month, i'd be october.
If I could be a day of the week, i'd be friday.
If I could be a moment of the day, i'd be sunset. (just as nice as sunrise, but not as early.)
If I could be a planet, i'd be pluto (it is too a planet!)
If I could be an animal, i'd be a cat.
If I could be a piece of furniture, i'd be a bookshelf.
If I could be a drink, i'd be pure leaf sweet tea.
If I could be a musical instrument, i'd be a drum.
If I could be an emotion, i'd be apathy. (is that an emotion?)
If I could be a vegetable, i'd be lettuce.
If I could be an element, i'd be water.
If I could be a song, i'd be shut up and dance. (it dos not fit my personality, but it's been a favorite.)
If I could be food, i'd be fried chicken.
If I could be a part of the body, i'd be hair.
If I could be a scent, i'd be fresh baked bread.
If I could be an object, i'd be a book.
If I could be a school subject, i'd be ancient history.
If I could be a cartoon character, i'd be daria. (probably not a surprise.)
If I could be a geometric figure, i'd be a square.
If I could be a number, i'd be 65.
If I could be a country, i'd be poland.

This entry was originally posted at https://archersangel.dreamwidth.org/325354.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

meme thing

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