friday 5: clothing

Nov 06, 2021 01:30

a set suggested by me! over on the DW site in feb of 2019 (second time this has happened)

1. Do you have a yearly, or monthly, clothing budget? Do you stick to it?
i typically only buy clothes when i need them. usually from thrift stores. but i got a couple of t-shirts new a few years ago though.

2. Do you buy trendy clothes, or classic pieces that can be worn for years?
i'm jeans & t-shirts type of girl. so classics.

3. Is there a current fashion trend that you hate?
i think it's still going on, but that "cold shoulder" look where the shoulders of a women's shirt or dress are cut out.

4. Have you had clothing altered to fit you better?
no. but that would be part of "if i win the large lotto jackpot" fantasy.

5. Is there a piece of clothing, or accessory, that you covet?
i'd like to have a nice fossil satchel. i don't know why.

see other answers here

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friday 5

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