mythbusters thoughts

Aug 11, 2021 02:59

we've been watching them from the beginning on demand from discovery partly to have something to watch while eating dinner, partly to see if there's anything we missed in various rewatches.

i think it was adam who said their success came from the fact that he & jamie hated each other. respected each other's work & knowledge, but hated each other. and you can really see that in the first few seasons, with jamie calling adam a baby & telling him to quit whining a few times. in later seasons, they probably edited that kind of thing out to sell the narrative that these were two science/nerd buddies doing stuff together.

also, you can't take their conclusions as gospel. my bother said he's read a few things that say they ignored a lot of things to get results and made many mistakes.
an example is the toothbrushes in the bathroom is a bad idea because the toilet kicks up bacteria into the air and it gets on the brushes. the control ones that were covered in the kitchen area were brought into the bathroom to have their bristles rubbed on the petri dish. plus, all of the petri dishes were opened in the bathroom to be used for testing the other brushes. i'm sure there was some stuff floating in the are that affected the results. especially the control brushes.
i'm not saying they were 100% wrong with the conclusion of the myth, but not 100% right either.

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