two down, none to go

May 28, 2021 21:33

both my brother and i have had shot #2 of moderna.

brother's side effects for shot #2 were about 24 hours of muscle pain that started roughly 24 hours after the shot. that was in addition to the pain around the injection site.

for me after getting the shot just this wed. at 12+ hours i had a sore arm, neck & back pain (could be side effects or just old) & some sinus thing with runny nose & sneezing (but that could be allergies). at 24+ hours i had a red, itchy area below the injection site, a headache, some neck & back pain. at 48+ hours the arm still itches, & i have some neck & shoulder pain.

after shot #1 i had the red, itchy area around the injection site 8 days after the shot, which lasted about 3 days. then next week (thursday) i had the same thing. at week 3 i didn't have that, but have it now right after shot #2. so who knows what will happen next week.

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