i'll go wherever you will go

Apr 02, 2021 00:15

i was thinking that this year will be the 20TH anniversary of 9/11, but then realized that it will also be the 20TH anniversary of star trek: enterprise. they delayed the premier because of 9/11 and that attack colored the rest of the series.

i remember that UPN promoted the hell out of ENT that summer with the song wherever you will go by the calling (it will always remind me of the series). which was a lot better than the actual theme song. at at con scott bakula said for about 3 months after the premier, some guy stood outside of the studio with a sign that said; love the show. hate the theme song. it was written by diane warren, who is apparently a big songwriter. but whenever i hear her name & remember she wrote this thing & think; ugh!
what they had over the end credits was a lot better, IMHO. it's called archer's theme & is supposed to be an instrumental version of the theme song.
they so tried hard to be different than other trek series. with just calling it enterprise at first, being set like 100 years before kirk's time & the theme song with lyrics.

as for the show itself, i was kind of whelmed. it had some stand out episodes (twilight, shuttle pod one) but it was not outstanding.

i mostly watched for scott bakula in blue underwear.

BTW i almost titled this post it's been a long road (or something) and then realized that was a lyric from the dreaded theme song.

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star trek, thoughts

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