a heads up

Mar 11, 2021 01:29

that on sunday march 14 is that move the clocks 1 hour ahead BS. (it's seems like we just did the move one hour back BS)

i know, the extra daylight is helpful to people & makes walking in the evenings safer, but we should be on DST all year around.

most electronics will do it automatically, but stuff like stoves & microwaves will not. unless you have some super fancy, connected to the internet thing.

some forums and bboards have something in time setting about DST in effect. so look at where you post to see if they do. for example, DW doesn't have that. they have pick your time zone & if you want the time display in 12 hour (am/pm) or 24 hour.

This entry was originally posted at https://archersangel.dreamwidth.org/313293.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

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