friday 5; Autumn

Nov 06, 2020 00:02

1) What was the best part of your Halloween this year?
the candy. always the candy.

2) What is your best Halloween memory of all time?
they only time i went trick or treating. we lived in a rural area to far from any town to t or t in. but one of my brother's classmate's mother invited us to go to the near by village to do it one year.

3) What are the three things that you enjoy the most about the fall season? (If you are in the southern hemisphere, you can substitute "spring season" if you like.)
pumpkin pie, haloween candy & changing leaves.

4) What is your favorite autumn memory?
don't have one. see #2 maybe?

5) If you could travel anywhere to experience autumn, where would you go and why?
new england. all of the changing leaves & maybe get a real apple cider doughnut. had entenmann's version once and it was OK, but i suspect the homemade one's are better.

see what others said over here.

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friday 5, food

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