double friday 5

Aug 21, 2020 20:34

for some reason there are 2 entries on the LJ friday 5 site

1. How closely do you think good manners are related to income and social status?
well, recent evens show that people with money can be rude and nasty as all hell

2. Can the idea of good manners inhibit people's natural sense of fun and inhibition?
i think you can have fun & still be polite.

3. Do people have more manners now or in earlier times?
probably in earlier times good manners were emphasized more.

4. Do you say "hi" to people even if they are strangers? Why? Why not?
only if they say hi first.

5. Do you listen to other's people conversations on the street?

answers to this set are here.

1. How's your health this week?

2. What's the healthiest thing you've done recently?
ate salad.

3. What do you look for in a doctor?
listens to me.

4. What was your most memorable childhood illness?
chicken pox in first grade & measles in second grade.

5. What's your most interesting scar and how did you get it?
nothing interesting.

other answers to this last set are over here

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friday 5

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