food meme

Aug 09, 2020 23:49

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note; most of the ones i said yes for only include stuff i made with my mom.

1. Made biscuits from scratch? once. rolled the dough too thin, so we never did it again.

2. Fried fresh okra? no.

3. Made sourdough bread? no.

4. Fried chicken? only if you count the frozen stuff from banquet.

5. Made spaghetti sauce from scratch? no.

6. Made any kind of yeast bread? yes.

7. Baked a cake from scratch? yes. loved the home made carrot cakes & apples cakes.

8. Made icing from scratch? basic stuff that is powered sugar & milk.

9. Cooked a pot roast with all the veg? yes.

10. Made chili from scratch? yes.

11. Made a meatloaf? yes.

12. Made scalloped potatoes? only from a box.

13. Made mac/cheese from scratch? yes.

14. Made a jello salad? no.

15. Made peanut brittle? no.

16. Made fudge? yes.

17. Made cookies from scratch? yes.

18. Cooked a pot of beans from dried beans? no.

19. Cooked a pot of greens? no.

20. Made cornbread from scratch? no..

21. Made a pie dough from scratch? yes.

22. Cooked a whole turkey? yes, more than once.

23. Snapped green beans and cooked them? yes

24. Made mashed potatoes from scratch? yes.

25. What’s the most people you have (alone) prepared a whole meal for? 4.

26. Poached an egg? no.

27. Made pancakes from scratch? yes. with bisquick.

28. Roasted vegetables in the oven instead of boiling them? Yes, just potatoes.

29. Made fresh pasta? Yes.

30. Made croissants from scratch? no.

31. Made tuna salad? yes.

32. Fried fish? no.

33. Made baked beans? only from a can.

34. Made ice cream from scratch? no.

35. Made jam or jelly? No.

36. Zested an orange or lemon? no.

37. Made grits from scratch? no. i've only eaten them once

38. Made an omelette? yes.

39. Lived in a house without a dishwasher? yes. 95% of my live i've lived in homes without one.

40. Eaten a bowl of cereal for supper? yes & had as a snack too.

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meme thing, food

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