15 years since the end of ST: ENT*

Jun 08, 2020 01:47

spoilers for a 15 year old episode

what tv insider has to say about the final episode and what dominic keating had to say about it in a recent interview along with conner trinneer;Apropos of the episode, I have always said it was clunky. But I have always sympathized with Brannon [Braga] and Rick [Berman] and them wanting to somehow honor not just our show, but the end of their tenure with the franchise. It wasn’t the best way to do it and clearly it upset Scott [Bakula] way more than we knew at the time. Remember when we did that 10-year reunion at CBS and he aired his grievance at that time. He was quite plainspoken that he felt we were shortchanged with that last episode and he wasn’t happy about it. But God bless Scott, he didn’t complain about anything. So, when he does say something like that you know that really got to him.
more of that interview here

*i'm old

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