friday 5: books

Apr 24, 2020 22:54

1. Are books losing importance as a source of information and entertainment?
probably as a source of info. when 80% of what you want to know is on-line. unless it's a bio on someone or some big exposé on something.

2. Are e-books the death of paper books? Will paper books disappear?
paper books will always be around. because not everyone like a tablet/e-reader or they don't work well in certain light conditions. and there will always be some paperbacks at airport gift shops for people to grab to read on the plane.

3. Should libraries focus on improving their technological resources rather than building a larger collection of paper books?
it should be 50/50, or at least 60/40 in favor of technological resources. because of the first part of my answer above.

4. How important are early reading skills in a child’s academic performance?
fairly important. but you don't want to push the kid too hard. like trying to have them read 1st grade level books at 4 years old.

5. Are people who spend a lot of time reading fiction wasting their time which could be better spent doing more useful activities?
remove "reading fiction" and replace it with any other hobby; woodworking, knitting, cross-stitching, photography, painting, baking, etc. & then ask the question.
if it's something to help a person relax, and is not illegal or hurting anyone, it doesn't matter.

see what others said here.

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books, friday 5

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