star trek: TOS dream

Dec 17, 2019 23:45

i dreamed that they had found lost episodes of TOS and were airing them n TV.

the first had kirk and spock on some planet for negotiations. spock what thankful there there were vulcan food rations; some kind of yogurt with chunks of what looked like gram cracker crumbs. it had hints of kirk/spock ship.
the second had uhura being challenged to some kind of drinking contest by a woman who was the leader of the planet of the week.
the third had kirk and spock travel back time to some inner city in the U.S. in the early '70s. kirk didn't know much about that era and was having spock explain the history of the time.

it wasn't until after i work up that i realized that kirk's comment about how he knew canadian history of the time, but not U.S. history of the era was weird because kirk was from iowa. and yet funny because shatner is from canada.

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star trek, dream

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