dreamed a dream

Dec 03, 2019 04:44

in this dream chris pine and lena headey were con artists in 1700s (maybe late 1600s?) france. they met up and couldn't con each other (it's hard to con a con) & when they realized that the other was a con as well, they teamed up to con an aristocrat or minor noble. lena had to dress like a man at one point. i didn't get much of the plot before i woke up.

on a later night i dreamed about a commercial for a new breakfast sandwich. it was on a biscuit with an egg and a sausage patty that were both shaped like the sun as drawn by the average child where the rays are triangles.
as i was waking up (from a car horn, i think.) i was hearing an ad for ancestry.com towin a trip to your ancestors home country.

ads are so pervasive, they're even in dreams now.

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