mystery (partially) solved

Apr 15, 2019 01:20

a few months ago i posted, wondering why i've been seeing so many designer bags lately. well i've solved part of the mystery, specifically (possibly) i see so much coach stuff.

i discovered the coach outlet the other day that not far north of me. so that's where some of this might be coming from.

burberry should being doing this instead of burning stuff that doesn't sale (although they're supposed to be stopping that) to "preserve its reputation of exclusivity." joke's on them, i see their stuff on shopgoodwill all of the time.

in other designer sighting news; i saw my first kate spade bag last week. a couple of weeks before christmas i saw a woman with a small bag for one of the KS stores that she was stuffing into a small box, so someone got a wallet, or phone cover for christmas or a birthday.

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