a 3-sentence thing & auto info

Jan 07, 2019 00:28

The "abduction" had been her idea, she knew her mother would never let any suitor take her away.

Especially not the God of the Dead whose realm was underground where the bright, warm sun did not reach.

Hades loved and adored his bride, but his heart broke whenever she called out for her mother in her sleep.

to go with the firearms database in my links for the writer post there is also an automobile database. if you want to know what car the main character(s) has or the bad guy(s) or even a random thug, this will let you know. unfortunately, it will also let you know what every car they pass in the street (both parked & moving) is.
but at least i learned that pride drives a 1966 cadillac deville convertible. they don't have the car he had in the pilot or the early episodes though.

ETA: further investigation on the NCIS page shows a 1970 cadillac coupe deville in a similar color that could be his in S11 E18 which was part 1 of 2 for the backdoor pilot. or maybe they're just different enough that my brain thinks he had some other car.

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pointing, 3-sentence fic, ncis: nola

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