random thought

Nov 24, 2018 19:32

for some reason i was thinking about the trick-or-treat situation here. more specifically last year vs. this year.

this is the first place i've lived that's done it and while i didn't hand out anything, it was interesting to observe stuff.

last year they had a parade of sorts with the kids & the parents accompanying  & some guy blowing a horn leading it. they didn't do that this year. either because they couldn't get the horn player or it was kind of a sad, pathetic parade and they decided not to do that again.

last year they sent out a notice that if you want to hand out stuff, eave the porch light on. well, the problem with that was roughly half of the places have a new light that when it's switched to "on" inside doesn't actually light up until dark. the trick-or-treat time was between 4 PM & 5 PM (before the "fall back" thing) so is was still light.

this year they printed out a jack-o-lantern on printer paper & told people to put that up on their doors. they also said to expect about 70 kids, but from what i was it looked to be about half. but it's better to over estimate, than to underestimate.

it was interesting to see (both years) what kind of costumes are popular, at least around here. there were a few girls as faeries, some ninjas a couple of kids (i'm guessing boys) in those ridiculous inflatable dino costumes & one girl as a nerd (which offended my brother).

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